Many people associate canines that are up for adoption as either reckless or diseased, which is certainly not the case.

There are many reasons why individuals should adopt a dog. For one, by doing this one can simply save an innocent life. Not many people choose to adopt. When about…

How Smart Is Your Pup?

If our culture’s ever-growing interest in dogs over the past ten years have taught us anything, it’s that 1.) we are officially obsessed with our four-legged friends, and 2.) they…

6 Reasons Why Daycare Makes Life Better for You and Your Dog

Being a pup parent is an absolute blessing, but it poses a challenge; not only do you have to make room in your day-to-day for your dog, but you also…

5 Types of Dogs Who Need Doggy Daycare

Daycare doesn’t have to be a backup plan for the busy pet parent. It can be what your dog may need in general to thrive as a happy, growing pup.…

5 Dog Park Etiquette Mistakes You’ll Never Make Again

Dog parks provide a wonderful escape for both pups and their owners. Dogs can roll in the grass, follow new smells, and greet each other to their hearts’ content, while…

How to groom your dog

Dog grooming is one of the very basic needs of the dog. It makes the dog feel and look its best. Grooming is the hygienic care and cleaning of the…

Why Your Family Should Get A Dog

1: When you drop food on the floor, they will eat it. Under my table has never look so good, I just wish I had a dog back when my…